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HOME  > 2007 November 7 - 13
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2007 November 7 - 13 [SDF]

JCP Akamine criticizes government for using lies to deny diversion of SDF-supplied oil

November 8, 2007
The government has used “double lies” in its explanation to deny diversion of Japan’s oil for use in the U.S. war on Iraq, Japanese Communist Party representative Akamine Seiken denounced the government in a House of Representatives special committee meeting on November 7.

In February 2003, the Maritime Self-Defense Force supply ship Tokiwa in the Indian Ocean refueled (via a U.S. tanker) the U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk which took part in attacks on Iraq.

It was already revealed that the government in May 2003 falsely announced that the amount of oil the Tokiwa provided was 200,000 gallons, while being aware of the fact that it was 800,000 gallons.

In addition to this, the government has claimed that at that time Japan asked the U.S. about the usage of the oil and received a reply that Japan’s oil has never been used for purposes other than that provided for in the Anti-terrorism Special Measures Law, including operations in Iraq.

However, Teraoka Masayoshi, then Maritime Staff Office’s Plans and Program Division chief, in the Lower House Committee’s closed meeting on the same day testified that at that time he judged that the MSDF refueling was in compliance with the law on the grounds of the Kitty Hawk’s zone of operation without inquiring the U.S. about the mission of the carrier.

Former Vice Defense Minister Moriya Takemasa in his sworn testimony in a committee meeting on October 29 also stated that what he confirmed with the U.S. at that time was that the U.S. would definitely deny any such diversion. Thus, Moriya revealed that the Japanese and U.S. governments had only made sure that both sides would tell the same story.

Pointing out these facts, Akamine demanded that Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo take responsibility for telling lies in the Diet. Fukuda, however, evaded his responsibility by stating, “We do not know the contents of the closed committee meeting.”

Akamine stated that the Defense Ministry’s assertion that Japan’s oil has never been used in the Iraq war is based on mere speculation.
- Akahata, November 8, 2007
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