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2007 November 7 - 13 [POLITICS]

DPJ Ozawa has failed to reflect on his action as trampling on the popular will: JCP Shii

November 8 & 9, 2007
Backing down on his earlier declaration, Democratic Party President Ozawa Ichiro in a DPJ Dietmembers’ meeting on November 7 expressed his willingness to stay on as party president. He apologized for creating confusion in his party by discussing with Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo the possibility of forming a coalition government.

At a press conference later in the day, Ozawa expressed his determination to make efforts to win the next general election, denying the possibility of forming such a coalition government for the moment. He also confirmed the DPJ’s opposition to an anti-terrorism special measures bill, saying, “This is because of the difference in our ways of thinking.”

Ozawa, however, attempted to justify the idea of taking part in a coalition government with the Liberal Democratic Party, saying that this could be “an option” to simultaneously carry out the DPJ’s two main tasks – implementation of its major policies and demonstration of its ability to run the government.

Asked to comment on the future implications of the talks between Prime Minister Fukuda and DPJ President Ozawa, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo at a press conference on November 8 said, “Frankly speaking, there remain two major issues.”

One is that the possibility of forming a coalition with the LDP that will trample on the popular will continues to exist.

Although Ozawa has shelved the idea of forming a grand coalition with the LDP on the grounds of the DPJ leadership’s opposition, he failed to express his remorse over his own attempt to press ahead with such a scheme, Shii pointed out.

Shii said, “Without deep reflection on this question, the scheme may come back to life at any time.”

The other is that both Fukuda and Ozawa agreed on the dangerous position of enacting a permanent law to allow the government to deploy the Self-Defense Forces abroad.

Stressing that this is a very dangerous move, Shii said, “Whatever reason they may give, the SDF’s overseas deployment and Japan’s participation in wars are against the Constitution.”

Shii stressed the importance of struggles against any moves in this direction.
- Akahata, November 8 & 9, 2007
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