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HOME  > 2007 October 31 - November 6
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2007 October 31 - November 6 TOP3 [POLITICS]

DPJ’s attempt to persuade Ozawa to stay on is unreasonable: JCP Ichida

November 6, 2007
“Despite the fact that Mr. Ozawa attempted to press ahead with the formation of a grand coalition with the LDP, the DPJ is trying to persuade him to stay on. This is unreasonable for a party that has hoisted the banner of ‘anti-Liberal Democratic and Komei parties’.” Ichida said.

Democratic Party President Ozawa Ichiro on November 4 declared his intention to resign, but the DPJ executives decided to persuade him to stay on in office.

Asked by reporters to comment on the DPJ’s move, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi on November 5 said, “The DPJ executives in their meeting on November 2 rejected Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo’s proposal of forming a grand coalition. Despite the fact that Mr. Ozawa attempted to press ahead with the formation of a grand coalition with the LDP, the DPJ is trying to persuade him to stay on. This is unreasonable for a party that has hoisted the banner of ‘anti-Liberal Democratic and Komei parties’.”

Concerning the behind-closed-doors talks between Fukuda and Ozawa in which they discussed starting consultations aimed at forming a coalition, “It is inevitable for the public to feel that they discussed something that cannot be made public,” Ichida said. He criticized their holding such discussions as an act of denying the judgment of the public as expressed in the recent House of Councilors election.

Asked by a reporter about the consultations on a possible coalition government with the DPJ at a press conference on November 5, Prime Minister Fukuda said, “If both sides did not come up with such an idea, we wouldn’t talk about it. This was a kind of anticipation of the other’s moves.”

Referring to Fukuda’s remarks, Ichida said, “The JCP has pointed out that the DPJ shares the same basic policy line with the LDP. The prime minister’s remarks endorsed our assertion in plain words.”

“This is the time for the JCP to play its role as a party that squarely confronts the adverse policies of the LDP-Komei government,” Ichida said, adding, “The JCP will make efforts in not only criticizing the adverse policies but also making known to the public the direction of remaking Japan with confidence.”

Ichida also expressed his opposition to an extension of the current Diet session which will end on November 10, saying, “By extending this Diet session, the ruling parties simply intend to forcibly enact the new anti-terrorism special measures bill.”
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