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HOME  > 2013 July 24 - 30
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2013 July 24 - 30 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

Fishermen protest against radiated water leakage into sea off Fukushima nuclear plant

July 26, 2013
Fishermen of the region affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster on July 25 lodged a strong protest against a leakage of radioactive contaminated water into the sea off the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Kishi Hiroshi, the president of the Japan Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (JF Zengyoren), and representatives of fisheries cooperatives in Fukushima, Miyagi, and Ibaraki prefectures visited the TEPCO headquarters to hand over a letter of protest to President Hirose Naomi.

The letter of protest states, “Since the nuclear accident occurred two years ago, we have been strongly demanding that any leakage of radioactive contaminated water into the sea be prevented by all means.” It goes on to state that the contaminated-water leak “drove local fishermen into despair” and “will again nourish rumors causing economic damage to fishermen throughout the country.”

It demands that TEPCO invest in measures to ensure the safe disposal of the toxic water stored at the plant, complete preventive measures against leakage as soon as possible, and strengthen monitoring of radioactive substances in the sea.

On the same day, two civil groups, the Fukushima Prefectural Liaison Association for the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants and the Fukushima Center for Reconstruction, also made a representation to TEPCO to protest against the water leakage.

TEPCO on July 22 announced that radioactive contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant had escaped into the sea.
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