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HOME  > 2009 December 2 - 8
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2009 December 2 - 8 [CIVIL RIGHTS]

Citizens rally for right to distribute political fliers

December 5, 2009
About 1,600 people on December 4 rallied at a Tokyo park, calling for the protection of the freedom of speech in the wake of the November 30 ruling in which the Supreme Court found a Buddhist monk guilty of trespassing when distributing Japanese Communist Party leaflets.

In the rally, lawyer Goto Hiroshi said, “The ruling is inconsistent with constitutional principles. We will take this unfair ruling to the United Nations by pushing the government to ratify the First Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which allows individuals to directly complain to the Human Rights Committee about violations of the Covenant.”

Those who were unfairly accused of distributing political fliers appeared on the stage: Buddhist monk Arakawa Yosei said, “I will continue to fight to protect the right to distribute political fliers along with the right to have access to information.” Government employee Horikosi Akio, who was indicted for violation of the National Public Service Law by distributing JCP fliers on holidays, stated, “Illegal police investigations, including secret video surveillance, should be prohibited. I will continue to insist on my innocence.”

Scriptwriter James Miki gave a lecture entitled, “Freedom of expression, the most precious thing - talk about the Constitution.”

JCP member of the House of Councilors Koike Akira made a speech in solidarity.
- Akahata, December 5, 2009
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