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HOME  > 2007 June 13 - 19
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2007 June 13 - 19 [ELECTION]

12,000 participants resolved to achieve JCP advance in Upper House election: JCP speech meeting in Tokyo

June 19, 2007
At a Japanese Communist Party speech meeting held on June 18 in Tokyo, 12,000 participants expressed determination to win JCP victories in the upcoming House of Councilors election.

Citing issues such as unidentified pension records, Self-Defense Forces’ surveillance of citizens’ activities, poverty and social gaps, and constitutional revision, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo emphasized the value of winning Diet seats by the JCP as the only reliable opposition party.

Shii described as “the worst possible alliance” the Abe Cabinet, made up of the Liberal Democratic Party led by pro-Yasukuni forces that have never reflected on Japan’s past war of aggression, and the Komei Party that is openly making use of the religious dogma of its parent organization, Soka Gakkai. “To put an end to the rampage of this alliance, let the JCP prevail,” said Shii.

Pointing out that the opposition Democratic Party of Japan takes up the same stance as the LDP over issues such as living standards and the Constitution and that the DPJ also holds pro-Yasukuni members, Shii asserted that the DPJ cannot change the LDP politics. “How the JCP is reliable will be clearer, if you look at how unreliable the DPJ is,” Shii said.

Shii spoke about the JCP perspective of establishing a democratic coalition government that will replace politics subservient to the U.S. and large corporations with politics that truly serve the public.

“Firmly fulfilling the role of the reliable opposition party today will open the way for a reliable ruling government in the future,” Shii said.

Tanigawa Tomoyuki, a JCP candidate for the House of Councilors proportional representation election, called on everyone present to work together to change the cold-hearted policies by achieving a JCP advance.

Tamura Tomoko, the JCP candidate for the House of Councilors election in the Tokyo constituency, said, “We must prevent constitutional revision advocates from occupying all five seats in the Tokyo constituency. I will work for the Constitution to be made as the central pillar in politics.”
- Akahata, June 19, 2007
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