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HOME  > 2009 November 25 - December 1
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2009 November 25 - December 1 [POLITICS]

JCP Central Committee adopts the draft resolution of JCP 25th Congress

November 28, 2009
The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Secretariat on November 27 issued the following communiqué on the JCP Central Committee 10th Plenum:

The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee held its 10th Plenum on November 26-27 at the JCP head office in Tokyo.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo on behalf of the JCP Executive Committee proposed the draft Resolution for the JCP 25th Congress.

Pointing out that the upcoming JCP Congress will be held under a tumultuous situation signaling the beginning of major changes in the Japanese political situation following the House of Representatives general election that forced the Liberal Democratic-Komei coalition government out of power, Shii emphasized that the draft Resolution is intended to elucidate the present political situation and the role of the JCP in it.

Shii explained the main points of the draft Resolution for each of the 24 items in five parts.

Thirty Central Committee members spoke on the draft Resolution.

Nakai Sakutaro, Party Building Commission chair, made a proposal regarding the procedure for electing Congress delegates. The Plenum approved his proposal.

In the remarks on the discussion on the draft Resolution, Shii proposed a list of amendments to be made based on opinions and requests put forward during the discussion.

Shii called for three main tasks to be tackled in party activities in preparation for the Congress as follows:

(1) We will elaborate the draft Resolution by absorbing the collective wisdom of Party members reading it and taking active part in discussions on it. In this effort, it is important for the draft Resolution to be delivered to all Party members. It is also important that Party members talk about their own impressions and that not only the Party branch assembly in preparation for the Congress but also regular branch meetings should be devoted to deepening the discussion on the draft Resolution.

(2) We will put our activities in preparation for the House of Councilors election slated for next July on a real track of JCP advances. The Party will nominate its candidates in all constituencies as soon as possible.

(3) We will make a success of the ongoing drive to increase the Party membership and Akahata readership in order to reach the goals by the end of January. It is particularly important to hold the JCP Congress in the midst of an upsurge united efforts to achieve the goals.

Regarding (2) and (3), Shii stressed the importance of making full use of the draft Resolution in daily Party activities.

The plenum unanimously adopted the motion for the draft Resolution to be submitted to the Congress, including proposed amendments. Plenum participants pledged to use the draft Resolution as a source of power in achieving a success in the united efforts to increase the Party ranks and win in the next House of Councilors election.
- Akahata, November 28, 2009
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