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HOME  > 2013 September 25 - October 1
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2013 September 25 - October 1 [LOCAL ECONOMY]

Firewood delivery business revitalizes both forests and local economy

September 26, 2013
A company which delivers stove firewood to households in Nagano Prefecture is contributing to the revitalization of not only the local forests but the local economy.

Biomass Industry Network, an environmental NPO, on September 25 held a study meeting in Tokyo inviting an official of the Nagano’s Ina City-based company of DLD Inc.

Konohira Eiichi from the bio-energy division of the company at the meeting said, “Making efficient use of wood from forest-thinning leads to revitalization of forests. It also creates local jobs. Our firewood delivery business contributes to promotion of the use of natural energy and the boosting of the local economy.”

According to an estimate made by Nagano Prefecture, 4.2% of households in the prefecture have wood-burning stoves. This means around 30,000 wood stoves are used there.

DLD has been making firewood out of wood from forest-thinning operations and delivering them to households since 2007.

The average charge for firewood delivery is 70,000 to 80,000 yen a season, almost the same as what a household spends using a kerosene stove. The company had only 46 clients six years ago. It expects to deliver around 1,400 tons of wood to 1,200 households this winter. This business has created 50 jobs for disabled persons and farmers who were looking for off-season work.

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