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HOME  > 2013 October 16 - 22
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2013 October 16 - 22 [TERRITORIAL ISSUE]

Japan-China Friendship Association: we can improve bilateral ties

October 21, 2013
The Japan-China Friendship Association (chairman Nagao Mitsuyuki) on October 18 held a reception in Tokyo to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Japan-China Peace and Amity Treaty.

On behalf of the organizer, Nagao stated in his greeting, “Efforts made by peoples of the two countries will definitely overcome the present difficulties between Japan and China.”

Calling for a peaceful solution to the dispute over the Senkaku Islands, professor emeritus of Tsukuba University Shindo Eiichi expressed his support for the association which has always suggested improving Japan-China relations even during the period of China’s Cultural Revolution.

Counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo Wan Wang explained the Chinese government policy putting importance on ties with Japan despite the fact that the two countries are experiencing a difficult phase at present over issues regarding territory and history.

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo also attended the reception. He pointed out that the bilateral friendship pact calls for peaceful solution to all kinds of disputes and stipulates that both countries refrain from resorting to armed force or using the threat of armed force. He then stressed the significance of settling disputes through diplomatic negotiations.

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