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HOME  > 2013 December 18 - 24
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2013 December 18 - 24 [TOKYO]

Parties other than JCP turn blind eye to Tokyo governor’s money scandal

December 21, 2013
The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly decided on December 20 not to set up a special investigation commission to look into the alleged black money Governor Inose Naoki had received from a hospital operator with the majority of five parties with the exception of the Japanese Communist Party.

The Liberal Democratic Party, the largest seat holder in the assembly, proposed at a house steering committee meeting to cancel the formation of a special commission because the governor announced his resignation the previous day, despite the agreement among all the party groups to establish an investigation commission. The Komei, Democratic, and Your parties, and the Tokyo Seikatsusha Network approved of the LDP proposal.

The JCP, the third largest party in the assembly, demanded to express its opinion in the session but the five parties blocked it from speaking.

Political groups in the assembly, including the LDP and the JCP, have grilled the governor on the suspicion that he had accepted an illicit donation of 50 million yen in November 2012 from medical group corporation Tokushukai. Those parties agreed on December 18 to establish an investigation committee because Inose’s answers to their inquiries kept changing.

At a press conference after the meeting, Oyama Tomoko, the chief secretary of the JCP assemblypersons’ group, stressed, “Even though the governor announced his resignation, the truth has not yet been established. The five parties have in essence abdicated their responsibility as representatives of the people of Tokyo by turning their backs on uncovering the truth of the case.

Oyama also stated that the JCP will continue to make all-out efforts to unravel the hidden facts.
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