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2013 December 18 - 24 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Chair Shii comments on Abe’s shrine visit

December 26, 2013

1. Yasukuni Shrine is a special institution working on perpetuating the view that past wars of aggression by Japanese militarism constituted “justified self defense in order for Japan to survive” or that the wars were intended to liberate the rest of Asia. Prime Minister Abe paying homage to this shrine is declaring to the world that his administration supports the position justifying the past wars of aggression.

The international order established after WWII stands on the common understanding that the war waged by Japan, Germany, and Italy was a criminal war of aggression. The prime minister’s action should never be condoned because it was a blatant challenge to the post-war international order. It also exposed his retrogressive historical views.

2. (To a question about diplomatic repercussions) It is clear that the present diplomatic stalemate vis-à-vis China and South Korea will further deteriorate. However, the problem does not end there. Such a challenge to the post-war international order can never be supported by the U.S. and other countries. It is tantamount to making an enemy out of the whole world. This action will certainly create various contradictions in Japan’s relationships with the rest of the world.

3. (To a question about the timing of the visit) This is a part of the Abe cabinet’s runaway politics intended to change Japan into a war-fighting country. This offensive now further escalates into a mindless onslaught. After it rammed though the Diet the State Secret Protection Law trampling on the public's opposition, the government is bulldozing its way towards allowing the use of the right of collective self-defense through drawing up a National Security Strategy. The recent provision of ammunition to U.N. peacekeepers by a SDF troop was also a serious move that would lead to abolishing the government’s Three Principles banning arms exports without public debate.

These are totally against Japanese public opinion as well as the current in Asia and the world. The JCP is determined to block it by making it clear to the government that it is encircled and thus enjoined by the people from going forward with its plan.
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