2014 February 5 - 11 [
JCP criticizes exclusion of 3 opposition parties from electoral reform discussion
Japanese Communist Party Diet Policy Commission Chair Kokuta Keiji on February 7 severely condemned the ruling parties and five opposition parties for holding a meeting on election system reform without inviting the JCP, the Social Democratic Party, and the New Renaissance Party.
It is an “insult to democracy,” said Kokuta, demanding that a meeting of all Diet parties be immediately held on this agenda.
Earlier on the day, representatives of the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties as well as of the Democratic, Japan Restoration, Your, and People’s Life parties along with Yuinotoh had a meeting on how to change the House of Representatives election system.
The opposition side proposed a reduction of the number of single-seat districts by 15 or 25. The ruling parties requested 30 seats in the propositional representation blocks be cut.