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HOME  > 2014 August 20 - 26
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2014 August 20 - 26 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Okinawans rally to demand stop to US base construction at Henoko

August 24, 2014

About 3,600 Okinawans on August 23 massed in a rally in front of the gate of U.S. Camp Schwab located on the coastal area of Cape Henoko, demanding the cancellation of on-sea preparatory work for the construction of new U.S. military facilities.

Rally organizers set a goal of attracting 2,000 participants when they decided to hold a protest on very short notice, but the turnout was much larger than they expected. Citizens of all ages filled the sidewalks near the camp, carrying handmade placards reading, “No more military bases”. The protesters on the sidewalks extended for some 500 meters.

This suggests that Okinawans’ anger is increasing against the central government led by Prime Minister Abe Shinzo who is completely ignoring local residents’ demands and is pushing through with the planned base construction as well as against the prefectural government led by Governor Nakaima Hirokazu who allowed the landfill work to build a new base to commence

One of the organizers, Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Akamine Seiken spoke to the crowd, saying, “With the united strength of concerned citizens, things cannot go as the government plans. Let us make our own history!”

Ashitomi Hiroshi, co-leader of a local anti-base group, called on the protesters to show their anger and power of unity to PM Abe and Governor Nakaima by electing an anti-base governor in the Okinawa gubernatorial election slated for November.

Nago City Mayor Inamine Susumu stated, “The November election is the time to express our determination to allow ‘no more bases’. We won’t let Governor Nakaima have a happy New Year. Let’s work hand in hand to hinder him from having his way.”

Local business leader Taira Chokei (Kariyushi Group CEO) said, “Tourism in Okinawa cannot coexist with military bases.”

A 34-year-old man came with his family members from Naha City to take part in the rally. With a handheld sign reading, “No base,” he said, “I thought I must do something in order not to be told by my children in the future, ‘Dad, why didn’t you do anything to help stop the base construction?’.”

Past related articles:
> Gov’t launches measures to restrict on-sea protest against new US base construction in Henoko [August 15, 2014]
> top constructing new US military base in Okinawa: JCP Yamashita [August 19, 2014]
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