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2014 November 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

Okinawans unite for victory of base opponent: Shii

November 17, 2014
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on November 16 held a press conference at the JCP head office, following the victory of an anti-U.S. base candidate in the Okinawa gubernatorial election. He commented on the election outcome as follows:

This is a historical victory for the people of Okinawa, opening up a new future. With U.S. base opponent Onaga Takeshi at the forefront of the election campaign, many Okinawans banded together irrespective of whether they were “progressive” or “conservative” to achieve his victory. I’d like to express my deepest respect to all the people who courageously and proudly chose the path of unity.

The election outcome proclaims a clear judgment against the Abe government trampling on the demands of Okinawans and highhandedly going ahead with the construction of another U.S. base in Okinawa.

As long as the government advocates democracy, it should seriously take to heart the will of Okinawans expressed in the election and immediately halt the base construction at Henoko in Nago City. It instead should set to work on the closure and removal of the U.S. Futenma air base in Ginowan City.

As a result of the election of the anti-base governor, what to do about the new base under construction in Nago City in Okinawa will become a major campaign issue in the upcoming general election. The JCP in the election campaign will work hard to help put a stop to the ongoing construction that was commenced in disregard of Okinawans’ demands and will energetically call for a peaceful and prosperous Okinawa without military bases.
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