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HOME  > 2015 April 22 - 28
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2015 April 22 - 28 [POLITICS]

Shii: LDP should withdraw its request to delete SDP lawmaker’s remark from minutes

April 24, 2015
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on April 23 said to reporters that the Liberal Democratic Party should drop its request that Social Democratic Party parliamentarian’s “war bills” remark be deleted from Diet discussion records.

SDP deputy chief Fukushima Mizuho on April 1 at a House of Councilors Budget Committee meeting described security-related legislation with which the Abe administration is trying to push forward as “war bills”. The LDP is demanding that Fukushima’s remark be removed from the minutes of the meeting.

Shii pointed to the fact that the JCP is also using the term “war bills” to criticize Abe’s attempt to develop security-related legislation in the current Diet session. “Political parties have the freedom to decide how to characterize a bill. If the LDP’s request is accepted, the Diet won’t play a role as the ‘citadel of free speech’ any longer,” added Shii.

Criticizing the LDP for arrogantly demanding the removal of the SDP Dietmember’s remark because the party dislikes it, Shii said that the LDP should withdraw its demand.
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