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HOME  > 2009 September 21 - 29
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2009 September 21 - 29 TOP3 [POLITICS]

LDP shows no sign of remorse for its misgovernment: JCP Ichida

September 29, 2009
Former Finance Minister Tanigaki Sadakazu became the new Liberal Democratic Party president, succeeding ex-Prime Minister Aso Taro who resigned in the wake of the party’s crushing defeat in the general election.

Asked by reporters about the LDP presidential election and its result on September 28, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi commented as follows:

The LDP presidential election took place for the first time as an opposition party, and many people paid attention to what policies the LDP is going to have to commit itself to in national politics.

However, Tanigaki together with two other candidates only called for a reform to deal with inner-party issues such as generational change, the rights or wrongs of factions, and the management of their party. They showed no sign of remorse for the party’s role in misgovernment that have greatly damaged people’s livelihoods and society as a whole.

Above all, none of them even touched on the issue of the basic party line that has been subservient to large corporations and the United States although this was the main cause of its defeat in the general election. If the LDP had correctly analyzed the reason why it lost public support and its support base, it should have inevitably questioned anew the policies and party line.

Some LDP executives said that their party will be an opposition party on a sound and constructive basis. But unless it takes on an overhaul of its fundamental policies, the LDP can never meet the people’s expectations.
- Akahata, September 29, 2009
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