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HOME  > 2015 May 13 - 19
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2015 May 13 - 19 [POLITICS]

JCP in Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly urges governor to oppose deployment of Ospreys to Yokota base

May 13, 2015
The Japanese Communist Party Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Members’ Group on May 12 made a representation to Governor Masuzoe Yoichi to urge him to oppose the U.S. plan to deploy CV-22 Osprey aircraft to the U.S. Yokota base in western Tokyo.

JCP lawmakers at the representation stressed that the Yokota air base is located in a densely populated area. It added that military aircraft take off and land at the base more than 10,000 times a year, which is already imposing on local residents various burdens, including noise pollution and risks of air crashes and parts drop accidents.

Citing the fact that the accident rate for CV-22 Ospreys is seven times higher than that for MV-22 Ospreys, the JCP assembly members argued that the metropolitan government should call on the Japanese and U.S. governments as well as on the U.S. military to withdraw the deployment plan.

A metropolitan government official in response said that the Tokyo government will request the central and U.S. governments to fully explain about the plan to see if they can ease residents’ concern for safety.

On the same day, plaintiffs’ groups in lawsuits regarding the Yokota base-induced noise pollution issued a joint statement to express their strong disapproval of the plan. The statement stresses that the deployment of CV-22s to the base will increase noise pollution and the risk of serious accidents. The groups declared their determination to strengthen protest movements against the planned deployment in cooperation with local residents and citizens’ groups.
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