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2015 May 13 - 19 [POLITICS]

editorial  Abe calls war legislation ‘peace legislation’ in attempt to mislead public

May 16, 2015
Akahata editorial (excerpt)

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s Cabinet on May 14 approved bills related to what he claims is “legislation for peace and security”. At a press conference held later on the day, Abe said that some irresponsibly call the bills “war legislation”, but that that is a mislead. However, the proposed bills are nothing other than war legislation, allowing the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to take part in U.S.-led wars anywhere in the world at any time for whatever reasons.

The prime minister at the press conference clearly stated that the bills will make it possible for Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense. To exercise the right is to use armed forces to defend other countries which have close ties with Japan like the U.S. even in a situation when Japan is not being attacked. This cannot be “peace legislation”. Despite this, how he can say that Japan will be able to stay away from aggressive wars led by the U.S.? Abe could not respond.

Abe also said that the proposed war legislation will enable the SDF to provide logistic support such as providing munitions, fuel, and transportation to U.S. and other military forces engaged in activities “contributing to Japan’s peace and security”. Logistic support is inseparable from the use of armed forces.

Regarding the SDF’s overseas missions, the bills will abolish the existing restriction that the SDF cannot enter combat zones on the assumption that the SDF would be involved in armed conflict allowing the use of weapons in their missions. The enactment of the bills will increase the risk of SDF troops killing and being killed.

Abe’s deceptive labelling of the bills will not diminish the dangerous nature of the war legislation. The need is to make the risks of the bills fully known to the public and increase the broad-based movements working to have the bills scrapped.
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