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HOME  > 2009 September 21 - 29
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2009 September 21 - 29 TOP3 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Shii calls on ICAPP to work together to achieve abolition of nuclear weapons

September 26, 2009
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo gave a speech at the Fifth General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on September 25 under the theme, “For a world without nuclear weapons”.

Recognizing that the ICAPP has been developing as a forum attended by many ruling and opposition parties from around Asia to join efforts to create a peaceful order in Asia as well as in the world in opposition to war, aggression, and hegemony, Shii in his speech focused on the issue of nuclear weapons.

Tragic experience unites Japan and Kazakhstan

He opened his statement by referring to the serious damage caused by nuclear tests conducted at the Semipalatinsk test site, stating, “Japan and Kazakhstan have both suffered from the adverse effects of nuclear weapons. At this meeting taking place in the very city with such a tragic experience, I would like to invite you to together make known to the world our common determination to work for a world without nuclear weapons.”

How can we achieve the goal of a ‘world free of nuclear weapons’?

Referring to “a new situation emerging in the present-day world regarding the total elimination of nuclear weapons,” Shii explained that he had exchanged letters with U.S. President Barack Obama regarding the president’s speech in April in Prague calling for a “world without nuclear weapons” and spoke about how humankind can achieve a “world without nuclear weapons”.

He emphasized that while partial nuclear disarmament measures, including ratification of the Comprehensive Test-ban Treaty (CTBT) and conclusion of treaties establishing nuclear-free zones, are significant, they can pave the way for a “world without nuclear weapons” only when they are implemented in tandem with the pursuance of the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

Referring to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), Shii emphasized that it is important for nuclear weapons possessing countries to make serious efforts to eliminate their nuclear arsenals in accordance with Article 6 of the NPT.

He said, “We welcome as a step forward the U.N. Security Council summit’s adoption on September 24 of the resolution expressing the commitment to the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons in compliance with Article 6 of the NPT.”

Three proposals concerning the abolition of nuclear weapons

In conclusion, Shii proposed that the Astana Declaration include the following three points:

(1) Express the shared determination of the ICAPP General Assembly participants to work to achieve a world without nuclear weapons.
(2) Call for the start of international negotiations to totally eliminate nuclear weapons.
(3) Urge nuclear weapons possessing countries to reconfirm their commitment to eliminate their nuclear arsenals at the next year’s NPT Review Conference.
- Akahata, September 26, 2009
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