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2009 September 9 - 15 [POLITICS]

‘Keep 9’ actions held nationwide on September 9th

September 10, 2009
On the 9th day of the 9th month in the year 2009, various actions took place across Japan in defense of Article 9 of the Constitution in response to a call by the Joint Action Center against the Adverse Revision of the Constitution.

In Tokyo, demonstrators took to the streets to collect signatures opposing constitutional revision. Handing out fliers, they also called on passersby to sign an international signature-collecting petition calling for a “world without nuclear weapons.”

They in turn appealed to the public: “My aunt often told me about the horrors of the Tokyo air-raids. I believe Article 9 is something we must keep (young person);” “Some pupils are losing weight because they cannot get enough to eat. I think it is necessary to eliminate poverty based on the constitutional right to life (teacher);” and “Cuts in the number of proportional representation seats that the Democratic Party of Japan is seeking will prevent our voices in defense of the Constitution from being heard in the Diet (union worker).”

At 9:09 a.m in Osaka, a temple bell of Higashi Honganji Betsuin resounded nine times. Religious leaders and adherents, including Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and Shintoists, joined together to make this event a success and brighten the hope for a future of peace with the message of Article 9.

Kiyoshi Shuken, a monk of the Shinshu Otani sect Zuikoji, said, “Article 9 embodies what Buddha teaches - Don’t kill.”

A group of citizens in Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture released 100 balloons made of eco-friendly material into the morning sky.

Each balloon reading “No war, Yes Article 9” had a strip of paper reading “Article 9 is a global treasure” or “For a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.”

One of the balloons reached a place 360 kilometers away. A man said, “When I was doing farm work, I saw the balloon. The words on the balloon encouraged me a lot.”
- Akahata, September 10, 2009
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