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HOME  > 2015 November 18 - 24
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2015 November 18 - 24 [POLITICS]

Central gov’t sues Okinawa governor for resisting US base construction in Henoko

November 18, 2015
The Abe government on November 17 filed a lawsuit against Okinawa Governor Onaga Takeshi with the Fukuoka High Court Naha Branch, aiming to push ahead with landfill work at Nago’s Henoko district for the construction of a new U.S. base.

The plaintiff of the lawsuit is the land minister with jurisdiction over the public water surface reclamation law which covers the Henoko landfill project. This legal action was taken for the purpose of administrative subrogation which allows the land minister to make decisions regarding the Henoko landfill project over the anti-base Okinawa governor’s head.

In the written complaint submitted to the court, the central government insisted that the landfill permit cancellation by Okinawa Governor Onaga, the defendant, will obstruct the relocation of the U.S. Futenma base to Henoko and would create a potential for disrupting Japan-U.S. relations.

Tokyo initiated the lawsuit in order to impose the base construction on Okinawa in defiance of the overwhelming majority of Okinawans’ firm opposition. It is totally unforgivable for the state to abuse its power to infringe on democracy and local autonomy.

In a press conference held on the same day at the prefectural office building, Governor Onaga pointed out, “It is the governor’s authority to approve or cancel any application for landfill work at his/her prefecture.” Expressing his determination to make all-out-efforts in the legal battle against the state, Onaga said, “I wholeheartedly say ‘No’ to the project to build a military facility which will reportedly have a useful life-span of 200 years or more and which will greatly damage the rich natural environment in the sea of Henoko.” He also said that the central government’s behavior reminds Okinawans of “bayonets and bulldozers” tactic that the U.S. military used to seize their land after the war.

Protesting against the state authority’s act, people in the sit-in in front of the gate of U.S. Camp Schwab expressed their firm support for the governor by putting up their fists and chanting, “Okinawa will never give up!”

A 68-year-old woman from Chatan Town said, “Military bases and weapons are opposing peace. We will fight against the state by increasing public opposition.” A 29-year-old woman from Ginoza Village said, “The national government appears to be desperate. If we succeed in bringing down the Abe Cabinet through elections, we will see major changes in politics.”

Past related articles:
> Central gov’t circumvents laws to undo Okinawa governor’s revocation of Henoko landfill permit [October 28, 2015]
> Okinawa Governor cancels landfill approval for US base construction in Henoko [October 14, 2015]
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