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HOME  > 2015 December 23 - 2016 January 5
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2015 December 23 - 2016 January 5 [POLITICS]

Okinawa Pref. files lawsuit against central gov’t over Henoko base issue

December 26, 2015
The Okinawa prefectural government on December 25 filed a lawsuit against the central government with the Naha District Court, seeking a halt to landfill work associated with the construction of a U.S. military base in the prefectural district of Henoko.

As Okinawa is already facing the suit launched by the state, the two legal actions began taking place in parallel between the local administration which reflects the anti-base popular will and the Abe administration which ignores the popular will.

Despite the legal battle, the land ministry is allowing the continuation of the Henoko reclamation work. As early as the beginning of next year, the embankment work at Henoko may start. To put a stop to this work, Okinawa has also applied with the court for a stay of execution until judgement is rendered.

Okinawa Governor Onaga Takeshi held a press conference at the prefectural office building and said that he decided to take the action for the judicial review as this is an effective means to stop the Henoko base project. He expressed his determination by stating, “I will do everything possible to realize Okinawans’ demand with an unwavering determination.”

He in conclusion said, “The environment surrounding us is very tough, but I believe that showing our determination to continue to struggle to our children and grandchildren will help them understand our currently ongoing efforts and help them think for themselves. As a result, they will be aware that they themselves can help to create history and the future of Okinawa. This is the responsibility of our generation.”

Past related articles:
> Central gov’t sues Okinawa governor for resisting US base construction in Henoko [November 18, 2015]
> Okinawa files complaint against land minister’s decision on Henoko base construction [November 3, 2015]
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