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2009 September 2 - 8 [LABOR]

Local government employees union resolves to oppose privatization

September 8, 2009
The Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers’ Union (Jichiroren) at its 31st Convention held on September 6-7 in Tokyo resolved to further increase the movement to improve public services in opposition to the adverse structural reform policy that includes privatization of local services.

The federation of local government employees is affiliated with the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren).

Jichiroren Chair Daikoku Sakuji in the opening speech called on the delegates to further develop the national movement to press the incoming government to defend the Japanese Constitution, establish rules of employment, and realize the needs of residents. Daikoku also called on union members to increase cooperation with local residents in the struggle to improve public services.

The adopted action plan for the coming year puts emphasis on the movement to defend the Japanese Constitution through study and discussion, a movement aiming to revitalize local communities through dialogue with residents and submitting proposals to local governments, and struggle to improve the working conditions of all non-regular and public service workers.

In the two-day discussion, many delegates spoke about their efforts that include opposition to the privatization of public child-care centers, movements to maintain public hospitals, and a movement to increase cooperation with local residents.

A delegate of the Nagoya City Employees’ Union said that the union, which is making efforts to relieve laid-off temporary workers, has won an increase in the number of city employees with citizen’s support, and that the union widened citizens cooperation through various movements including direct petitioning to protest privatization of public childcare centers.

Regarding movements to protect public hospitals, a delegate from Okayama Prefecture reported that in Kurashiki City, due to the movement in collaboration with the union and residents, the shortage of doctors at a public hospital was solved.
- Akahata, September 8, 2009
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