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2016 January 27 - February 2 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Referendum bill on Ikata NPP rejected in local city

January 29, 2016
The assembly of Yawatahama City, located within 30 kilometers of the Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime Prefecture, on January 28 voted down an ordinance bill to put the planned restart of the NPP to a referendum vote with six in favor and nine opposed.

The outcome turned out to be contrary to what local citizens sought in a petition signed by nearly 10,000 residents requesting the holding of a direct ballot. Mayor Oshiro Ichiro opposed the bill, claiming that the referendum would bring residents into conflict with each other.

People in the public gallery in the assembly hall voiced their anger at the rejection, saying, “You’ve ignored the popular will!”

Before the vote, a person on behalf of the residents stated, “The resumption of operations of currently-suspended reactors is a matter affecting our lives, properties, and the future of our city. The assembly should give its citizens an opportunity to express their wishes. Based on majority demand, the city administration should be managed. This is what democracy should be.”

Japanese Communist Party assemblyperson Endo Motoko took the floor in support of the ordinance bill and said, “A municipal plebiscite, which has the same value as a direct vote, is a right of local residents. We, assemblypersons, should ensure this right for our constituents.”

Past related article:
> Local residents demand referendum on planned restart of Ikata NPP [January 19, 2016]
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