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2009 August 15 - 25 [ELECTION]

SDP to join DPJ-led coalition contradicts its basic policies

August 21, 2009
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said that the Social Democratic Party’s intention to take part in a Democratic Party-led coalition government contradicts its stated position in defense of Article 9 of the Constitution and opposition to dispatches of Japanese troops abroad.

He made the remark at a news conference in Sendai City on August 19 in answer to a question regarding the SDP’s willingness to play its part in a DPJ-led coalition after the general election, saying. “How can the SDP resolve this contradiction?”

Unlike the DPJ, the SDP opposes adverse constitutional revision and dispatches of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to the sea off Somalia. If joining the coalition government, it will have to face discord in the cabinet.

In that case, Shii pointed out, “The SDP will have to answer the question “whether it accepts the overseas dispatches or leaves a coalition with the DPJ.”

Shii also said, “When the former Socialist Party, the SDP predecessor, was a partner of the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition government, it abandoned all its policies on key issues such as its opposition to the introduction of a consumption tax. It even stopped opposing the Japan-U.S. military alliance and began to show its approval of the SDF as military forces despite their being unconstitutional. The SDP has never looked into these points and I want the SDP to clarify its position.”

He emphasized that the JCP, as a constructive opposition party, will “cooperate on policies in the public interest and oppose those that are against the public interest” if a government centering on the DPJ emerges as a result of the general election.
- Akahata, August 21, 2009
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