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HOME  > 2016 February 3 - 9
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2016 February 3 - 9 [POLITICS]

Japanese gov’t should negotiate with Russia for return of ‘Northern Territories’ based on international law: JCP

February 8, 2016
An annual convention calling for the return of the Russian-held “northern territories” took place on February 7 at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo, hosted by an organizing committee consisting of the Cabinet Office and six local organizations.

In the assembly, former islanders and representatives of the government and political parties appeared on the stage to express their determination to work hard for an early return of the Chishimas. Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Councilors Kami Tomoko on behalf of the JCP attended the rally.

Copies of political parties’ messages to the convention were distributed to the participants.

The JCP in its message pointed out that former Soviet Union leader Stalin annexed the Chishima Islands in violation of the “territorial non-expansion” agreement, the basic principle of postwar disposition and that this outrage was overlooked in the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty. The JCP proposed that the Japanese government adopt a position to correct such an unjust situation and negotiate with Russia for the return of all Chisima Islands based on historical facts and international law. It also stated that in the negotiation, Japan should not stick to Article 2, Clause C of the San Francisco treaty under which Japan renounced its claim to the Chishima Islands.

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo delivered a speech and said that he will tenaciously make efforts for an ultimate resolution of the northern territories issue through dialogues with his Russian counterpart. He went on to express his intention to visit Russia at an appropriate time.

Past related articles:
> JCP Kami attends rally for return of ‘Northern Territories’ [February 8, 2015]
> Territorial expansion of former Soviet Union needs to be corrected [August 1, 2012]
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