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HOME  > 2016 February 3 - 9
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2016 February 3 - 9 [PEACE]

NGOs in Japan protest N. Korean missile launch

February 9, 2016
Peace and women’s NGOs in Japan have respectively published a statement in protest against North Korea’s missile launch.

The comment issued on February 8 by the New Japan Women’s Association (NJWA or Shinfujin) claims that the North Korean military action which was closely connected to its nuclear development program following the nuclear test in January is threatening the peace and security of the international community.

The comment criticizes North Korea’s firing of the missile for violating UNSC resolutions and the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks, demanding that Japan and the rest of the world take effective measures to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue through concerted diplomatic efforts.

Japan Peace Committee
The Japan Peace Committee also released a similar statement on February 7, urging North Korea to abandon its nuclear and missile development programs.

The statement presses North Korea for the return to the spirit of the 2005 Six-Party Talks agreement which calls for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula as well as for the return to the Talks.

The statement calls on the international community to refrain from helping to increase military tension and make diplomatic efforts for a peaceful resolution of the issue.

Past related articles
> Shii issues statement on N. Korea’s ‘rocket’ launch plan [February 4, 2016]
> Shii condemns N. Korea’s nuclear test [January 6, 2016]
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