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HOME  > 2009 August 15 - 25
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2009 August 15 - 25 [OBITUARY]

Shii expresses condolences on the former President Kim Dae Jung

August 22, 2009
At the news of the death of former South Korean President Kim Dae Jung, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on August 21 sent the following message of condolence:

Dear Madam Lee Hee Ho:

I express my deepest condolences on the death of former President of the Republic of Korea Kim Dae Jung.

I remember meeting with President Kim Dae Jung during his visits to Japan in 1998 and 2002. On those occasions, we talked about the importance of further developing relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea based on a correct understanding of history.

Expressing my respects for Kim Dae Jung, who dedicated his life to the country’s achievement of true democracy and national reconciliation, I extend my deepest condolences.

Shii Kazuo
Executive Committee Chair
Shii Kazuo

* * *

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo visited the South Korean Embassy in Tokyo on August 21 to offer his condolences on the death of former South Korean President Kim Dae Jung and handed an embassy official JCP Chair Shii’s message addressed to the family of Kim Dae Jung.

Ogata signed the book of condolences, offered flowers and incense, and made a bow to a portrait of Kim Dae Jung. - Akahata, August 22, 2009
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