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2016 May 25 - 31 [PEACE]

Antinuke organization adopts ‘message to Obama’

May 26, 2016
The Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs, at its general assembly held on May 25 in Tokyo, adopted a message addressed to U.S. President Barack Obama on the occasion of his visit to Hiroshima.

In the message, the organization acknowledges the visit to the A-bombed city of Hiroshima by Obama as the first sitting U.S. president as significant.

Quoting his speech delivered in Prague seven years ago, the antinuke group warns, “[O]ne nuclear weapon exploded, be it anywhere in the world, would cause catastrophic consequences.”

The message reads, “We hope that you take this opportunity to give heed to the testimonies of the Hibakusha, the A-bomb sufferers, to deeply know of the inhumane effect of the nuclear bomb.”

It concludes, “We call on you from the bottom of our heart to make bold steps forward now to achieve a ‘World without Nuclear Weapons’, including in particular the commencement of negotiations for a treaty totally banning and eliminating nuclear weapons.”
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