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2016 June 1 - 7 [POLITICS]

Tokyoites not satisfied with report on Gov. Masuzoe’s ‘inappropriate’ spending of public funds

June 7, 2016
Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi on June 6 held a news conference at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office and published the results of an investigation regarding his questionable use of political funds. Two lawyers who the Governor himself recommended to head the investigation were present at the conference to explain the details.

The lawyers recognized that part of expenditures using political funds were “inappropriate” or had “quite low validity”. However, they claimed all the conduct to be “not illegal”.

The report acknowledges that spending on six stays at luxurious hotels outside Tokyo and 14 meals at restaurants were for his private consumption with his family members. The report calls for correction in regard to the purchase of manga comics, children’s books, and children/women clothing.

On the other hand, regarding the use of political funds to buy a lot of artworks, the report gives an unreasonable account. It considers these purchases as “inappropriate” but “lawful” because the Governor makes use of them politically by hanging them on the walls of the governor’s office. The report also defends the use of public funds on calligraphy supplies, one of his hobbies, as “not inappropriate” by saying that this serves to help the Governor in his political activities. The report says it is “not in a position to make a judgment” about the use of an official vehicle for visiting museums/galleries, also his hobby, and for round trips between Tokyo and his private second house in the hot spring resort of Yugawara in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Whether true or not, the report as a whole accepts what Governor Masuzoe has so far said. It did not use objective criteria to determine the facts.

Masuzoe told reporters that he will “give the money back” for the hotel accommodations and wining/dining expenses which were deemed inappropriate, and that he will “sell off” his second house in Yugawara.

Several media surveys show that 70-80% of Tokyoites think Masuzoe should resign. However, he expressed his intention to stay on as Tokyo Governor in order to “restore public trust in him”.

Japanese Communist Party member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Oyama Tomoko commented, “It is disgraceful for him to cling to his position as governor.”

Past related articles:
> JCP Tokyo submits written question to governor on his alleged misuse of political funds [May 19 and 20, 2016]
> Tokyo governor must be held accountable for political fund scandal [May 14, 2016]
> Bookshop owner doubts Masuzoe’s explanation for political fund scandal [May 24, 2016]
> Amid growing criticism, Tokyo governor takes another luxurious overseas trip [April 24, 2016]
> Tokyo JCP criticizes governor for taking luxurious overseas trips [April 8, 2016]
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