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2016 June 1 - 7 [US FORCES]

Over 70% of Okinawans: neither ‘discipline’ nor ‘education’ prevents US crimes

June 4, 2016
A local opinion poll in Okinawa shows that many Okinawans think that neither “the tightening of discipline” nor “the enhancement of education” in regard to criminal acts in the U.S. military can prevent recurrent crimes and accidents committed by U.S. servicemen.

The Ryukyu Shimpo on June 3 released the results of a survey conducted jointly with Okinawa TV Broadcasting Corporation. They surveyed Okinawans aged 18 years and older in the aftermath of the rape and murder of an Okinawan woman by a former U.S. marine.

According to the survey, only19.6% cited “a thorough education” given to U.S. troops as the best measure to prevent crimes involving U.S military personnel and U.S. civilian employees. In addition, those who answered “more stringent enforcement of a curfew” stood at only 8.4%.

In contrast, “removal of all U.S. bases from Okinawa” came to 42.9%, accounting for the most popular response to the same question followed by “consolidation and reduction of U.S. bases in Okinawa” at 27.1%.

About what to do with the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa, the response “they should be removed” reached 52.7% and “they should be drastically cut” comprised 31.5%.

Regarding the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), 44.9% and 34.3% supported “fundamental revisions” and the “complete abrogation” of the SOFA, respectively. A total of 79.2% think the SOFA needs to be revised. Furthermore, 83.8% said they oppose the “relocation” of the U.S. Futenma base in Ginowan City to Henoko in Nago City, the highest percentage since the inauguration of the Abe government.

Past related articles:
> US military rape victim calls for SOFA revision [May 27 & 31, 2016]
> Latest poll shows 83% of Okinawans oppose construction of new US base in Henoko [June 3, 2015]
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