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2016 July 6 - 12 TOP3 [JCP]

JCP Standing Executive Committee issues statement on Upper House election results

July 11, 2016
The Japanese Communist Party Standing Executive Committee on July 11 issued a statement on the results of the House of Councilors election held on the day before. The full text of the statement is as follows:

The Upper House elections held on July 10 were a fierce showdown between the ruling LDP-Komeito-led coalition and a unified force of 4 opposition parties backed by citizens’ movements. The Japanese Communist Party aimed for victories by the opposition alliance as well as a major advance of our party.

The electoral cooperation among opposition parties and citizens was a big success as the first attempt of its kind. The opposition camp fielded unified candidates in all 32 single-seat constituencies and won 11 of them by defeating LDP candidates. It was a highly significant achievement. 60-70% of independent voters voted for the opposition camp in many constituencies. The opposition alliance showed synergy effects which intensified the opposition camp strength beyond its political base. A renewed solidarity between opposition parties and citizens’ movements has emerged through the election process. This is a very valuable asset for future use.

With half of the Upper House seats being contested, the Japanese Communist Party won 5 seats in the nation-wide proportional representation constituency and won an additional seat in the Tokyo constituency. By doing so, the JCP increased its strength by 3 seats and now holds 14 seats in the Upper House. We increased the number of votes cast for JCP candidates in the proportional representation constituency from 5.154 million (9.68%) 3 years ago to 6.016 million (10.74%). This was also a very significant achievement.

We deeply appreciate all the voters who supported the JCP and the opposition alliance candidates, and the JCP members and supporters who contributed to our election campaign despite heavy rains and a prolonged heat wave.

Through the election period, attacks led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe against the opposition parties, in particular the JCP, were fierce. It was a very unusual political scene in which the prime minister of Japan singled out the JCP and attacked us day after day. It showed a sense of urgency, fear and hatred held by the ruling force of Japan against the JCP which is fully committed to the opposition alliance aim to bring down the Abe government.

The LDP-Komeito coalition disparaged the opposition alliance as “unprincipled cooperation”. The JCP strongly countered this by reminding the public of the need for cooperation among opposition parties and citizens’ movements working together to restore constitutionalism to Japan and oppose the Abe government’s unconstitutional acts.

The JCP also rebutted attacks against us over the Japan Self-Defense Forces issue by pointing to our JSDF policy in our party program and pointing out that the true issue in the election was whether Japan should become a country which participates in war overseas.

The advance of the JCP and the opposition alliance was gained by fiercely struggling against such anti-opposition and anti-communist attacks and this success was very remarkable.

The JCP called on voters to declare “NO” to Abe’s reckless policies and show the will to work to change Japan’s course. We raised the issue of whether to allow the new security legislation which we call the war laws as well as the issue of whether to change Japan’s pacifist constitution. In the economic policy area, we criticized the fundamental failure of “Abenomics” and showed the 3 major policy alternatives regarding Japan’s economic future. We also explained to voters our role in contributing to the emergence of cooperation between the opposition camp and concerned citizens which helped galvanize hope for political change. These actions increased support for the JCP.
Following the elections, the force which supports a revision of Japan’s pacifist constitution occupies two-thirds of all seats in the Diet. However, the LDP and Komeito avoided mentioning constitutional revision as an election issue throughout the campaign period. Japanese people have therefore not given “carte blanche” to constitutional revision.

Based on our increased presence in the Diet, the JCP renews its commitment to working together with citizens to realize our campaign pledge.

For the JCP, this is the first time to simultaneously seek both an opposition alliance victory and the JCP’s major advance. For further progress, we are determined to learn valuable lessons from the election by sincerely listening to opinions expressed by other opposition parties, citizens’ movements, supporters, and JCP members.

We are paying special attention to the shortfall of our party’s basic strength. Although our party obtained 6.01 million votes thanks to the strenuous efforts our members and supporters made, we failed to cross off all items on our must-do list to achieve victory in advance of the election day. While Japan’s political situation requires a stronger JCP, our party’s basic strength has not matched the dynamic situation we are facing. We clearly recognize that the task to narrow this gap is the very challenge we need to confront.

The JCP’s role to change Japan’s politics by working together with other opposition parties and citizens groups is increasingly indispensable. We are determined to forge ahead and strengthen our party to fully engage with the new and dynamic political situation in Japan.
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