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2010 June 30 - July 6 [POLITICS]

Opposition parties propose non-confidence vote against Aso

July 14, 2009
Considering the harsh verdict on the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties in the July 12 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, the four opposition parties, including the Japanese Communist Party, jointly submitted a non-confidence motion against the Aso Cabinet in the House of Representatives and a motion of censure against Aso Taro in the House of Councilors.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Aso Taro announced that he will dissolve the House of Representatives as early as July 21 in order to hold a general election on August 30.

Commenting on the two motions at a news conference on the same day, JCP Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi said, “The JCP agreed with other parties to jointly submit the two motions because the Aso Cabinet is at an impasse in its policies in both domestic and foreign affairs, and lacks the qualification to run the country.”

Asked by reporters to comment on Aso’s announcement that the House of Representatives general election will be held on August 30, Ichida stressed, “Three consecutive prime ministers remained in office without public support. The JCP has been emphasizing that the Aso Cabinet should dissolve the House of Representatives for a general election without delay. If the next House of Representatives general election is scheduled for August 30, we will take up that challenge.”

Regarding the fact that calls are increasing for the prime minister to be replaced, Ichida said, “This clearly shows that the LDP government is terminally ill.”
- Akahata, July 14, 2009
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