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2016 August 24 - 30 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Kagoshima governor demands suspension of Sendai NPP

August 27, 2016

Kagoshima Governor Mitazono Satoshi on August 26 requested Kyushu Electric Power Company (Kyuden), the operator of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima, to stop the operations of two reactors at the plant and overhaul the facility completely.

Mitazono met with Kyuden President Uriu Michiaki in the prefectural office building. The governor said, “I have a responsibility to prevent an accident such as the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown at any cost. The recent series of earthquakes in neighboring Kumamoto Prefecture have heightened concern among local residents. In response to their concern, the operator should suspend operations and conduct a thorough safety check.”

Following the meeting, the company president said to reporters, “There’s no problem with the safety of the power station. We’ll go over the details of the request and consider how best to respond.”

In the July gubernatorial election, which was held simultaneously with the Upper House election, Mitazono defeated the incumbent governor who was backed by the ruling coalition, with a campaign promise to suspend the operations of the Sendai plant. In mid-August, the new governor made an inspection of the power plant and local roads to be used by evacuees in the event of a nuclear accident. He then pointed to the need to review evacuation plans drawn up by municipalities.

Currently, Japan has three online nuclear reactors – Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at the Sendai NPP and No. 3 reactor at the Ikata NPP in Ehime Prefecture. Many experts have pointed out that these facilities are built on active faults.

Past related articles:
> Kagoshima governor to demand suspension of Sendai NPP operation [July 30, 2016]
> Anti-nuclear power candidate wins gubernatorial race in Kagoshima which hosts Sendai NPP [July 11, 2016]
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