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HOME  > 2016 September 14 - 20
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2016 September 14 - 20 [POLITICS]

Toyama citizens protest against city asssemblypersons’ money scandals

September 14-16, 2016
About 180 Toyama citizens on September 14 assembled in front of the city office building to demand the resignation of all scandal-tainted city assemblypersons and to criticize the city mayor’s irresponsible attitude toward the scandal.

The scandal surfaced after a Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker forcibly obstructed a media investigation into the increase in lawmakers’ monthly salary.

The Toyama City Assembly in June decided to increase assemblypersons’ monthly salary by 100,000 yen. When a journalist of a local daily gathered information about political parties’ response to the salary increase, Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Nakagawa Isamu, 69, who heads the LDP assemblymembers’ group, blocked the journalist’s information gathering activity by force. When the incident was reported, Toyama citizens became increasingly aware of politicians’ activities. Encouraged by citizens’ reactions to the incident, local media energetically reported on how legislators are acting illegally.

It then came to light that Nakagawa used blank receipts to obtain about 6.95 million yen in public money as political funds. Other LDP assemblymembers’ misappropriation of political funds was also revealed.

As of September 13, three LDP assemblymen, including Nakagawa, and two Democratic Party assemblymembers resigned. Furthermore, another LDP lawmaker is expected to step down. Under the Public Offices Election Act, the 40-member Toyama City Assembly will have to hold a by-election if it has seven vacancies.

LDP legislators have shown an intent to dissolve the assembly with the aim of evading public criticism against the money scandals. In addition, although so many LDP and DP lawmakers were involved in the misuse of political funds, City Mayor Mori Masashi showed no intent to take any action against those politicians by saying that the two parties should exert their self-cleansing ability.

The 180 protesting citizens in chorus shouted, “Scandal-tainted lawmakers should resign!” “The mayor should take legal action against dirty politicians!”

A 51-year-old woman said, “I definitely agree to a by-election and oppose the dissolution of the assembly.” A 60-year-old small business owner said, “I always manage to pay my taxes. I can’t tolerate lawmakers’ corruption in the misuse of political funds.”

* * *

On September 15, LDP assemblyperson, Asana Chozaemon, admitted that he used blank receipts to receive political funds and submitted a written resignation to the city assembly chair. When his resignation is approved at a plenary meeting on September 21, the number of vacancies in the city assembly will reach seven. This will lead to a by-election in accordance with the Public Offices Election Act.

Past related article:
> LDP Toyama City assemblyman uses force on woman journalist [June 12, 2016]
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