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HOME  > 2016 September 28 - October 4
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2016 September 28 - October 4 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Residents within 50km zone from Ikata NPP sue for plant suspension

September 29, 2016
A group of 264 residents living in Oita, 45km from the Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime, on September 28 filed a lawsuit with the Oita District Court to seek the suspension of plant operations.

They said that the Ikata NPP faces the “special risk of earthquakes” because the country’s largest active fault runs nearby and the plant is located in the focal region of an expected Nankai Trough earthquake.

Plaintiffs pointed out, “In the event of a severe nuclear accident such as following a major earthquake, radioactive substances will affect and cause damage to people in Oita Prefecture in violation of personal rights guaranteed under Article 13 and 25 of the Japanese Constitution.”

After filing the suit, medical doctor Matsumoto Bunroku on behalf of the plaintiffs expressed his determination, “Decommissioning is the only way to eliminate the risks pertaining to NPPs. We will win in this fight to stop the Ikata plant.”

The number of plaintiffs is expected to increase with an additional lawsuit to be filed by the end of 2016. Another legal action is pending in the Oita District Court, seeking an injunction order to stop operations of the recently reactivated No.3 reactor at the plant. Regarding the Ikata NPP, two other cases are still pending in the Matsuyama and Hiroshima district courts, respectively.

Past related articles:
> Restart of Ikata NPP neglects residents’ safety [August 13, 2016]
> Hibakusha demand court injunction against planned restart of Ikata NPP [March 12, 2016]
> Citizens file case against restart of Ikata NPP[March 29, 2012]

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