(November 21, 2023)
Kasai delivers JCP statement on Gaza crisis to Iraqi Embassy in Tokyo
(November 19, 2023)
Town meeting held between JCP Chair Shii and young people
(November 18, 2023)
Shii comments on latest Kishida-Xi talks
(November 18, 2023)
Shii to Foreign Minister: Japan demands that Israel abide by UNSC resolution
(November 17, 2023)
Shii: US needs to demand that Israel stop bombing Gaza hospitals
(November 17, 2023)
Kokuta calls on Israeli ambassador to work to help achieve ceasefire
(November 17, 2023)
Shii holds talks with Palestinian ambassador regarding ongoing conflict in Gaza
(November 17, 2023)
JCP lawmakers hold talks with Egyptian and Iranian ambassadors regarding JCP statement on Gaza crisis
(November 17, 2023)
JCP Social Sciences Institute holds talks with CPV Central Theoretical Council
(November 15, 2023)
University personnel voice opposition to proposed establishment of gov’t-backed university boards
(November 14 & 15, 2023)
Koike: To draw curtain on unpaid tax scandal just with vice finance minister’s resignation is unacceptable
(November 15, 2023)
JCP Central Committee puts draft 29th Congress Resolution to all-party discission
(November 12 & 14, 2023)
2023 Japan Peace Conference held in Kagoshima
(November 14, 2023)
JCP holds 10th CC Plenum to discuss agenda for 29th Congress
(November 11, 2023)
JCP proposes measures to provide relief for Johnny’s sexual victims and for recurrence prevention
(November 10, 2023)
Yamazoe criticizes gov’t for not regarding Israel’s acts as breach of international humanitarian law
(November 10, 2023)
Japan’s responsibility as chair of G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting called into question
(November 10, 2023)
JCP Miyamoto at Yokota AB: US forces should accept Japan’s request for PFAS on-site investigation
(November 8 & 9, 2023)
Shiokawa: LDP should cut its ties with Moonies-affiliated anticommunist federation
(November 9, 2023)
US researcher and VFP survey PFAS contamination near US bases in Okinawa
(November 9, 2023)
JCP Motomura calls for urgent support for asylum seekers rough sleeping in Tokyo park
(November 9, 2023)
Shii criticizes G7 foreign ministers’ joint statement for not demanding immediate ceasefire
(November 8, 2023)
Koike raps Moonies for trying to evade dissolution order
(November 8, 2023)
JCP and Denki-Joho Union agree to further advance labor movement
(November 7, 2023)
JCP calls on governments concerned to work to stop genocide in Gaza
(November 7, 2023)
JCP calls on int’l community to take urgent action to stop Israel’s attacks on Gaza
(November 7, 2023)
Yamazoe grills Defense Ministry officials about PFAS leakage at US Yokota Base
(November 4, 2023)
Sales tax cut far more effective than one-time income tax cuts for boosting economy
(November 2, 2023)
Cross-party female assemblypersons in Hiroshima publish statement calling for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
(November 2, 2023)
Yamazoe: Yamato Transport should stop treating mail deliverers as expendables
(November 2, 2023)
JCP lawmakers meet with French leftist lawmaker
(November 2, 2023)
Shii meets with Indonesian ambassador to Japan
(November 2, 2023)
Koike attends Japan Medical Association ceremony
(November 1, 2023)
State Minister of Justice resigns for his involvement in election campaign misconduct
(November 1, 2023)
Taxi drivers’ union opposes PM Kishida’s plan to legalize ‘ride-sharing’ for safety concern
(November 1, 2023)
JCP Takahashi talks with UITBB on issues construction workers’ unions are facing
(October 31, 2023)
JCP Miyamoto criticizes Japan’s abstention from UNGA resolution calling for humanitarian truce in Gaza
(October 31, 2023)
JCP donates over 8 million yen to UNICEF for humanitarian aid in Gaza
(October 31, 2023)
50 years since ex-Okinawa People’s Party joined with JCP
(October 31, 2023)
JCP Miyamoto Takeshi attends Turkey’s 100th anniversary reception
(Octobe 29, 2023)
JCP welcomes the adoption of UNGA resolution calling for a humanitarian truce in Gaza
(October 29, 2023)
Fudanren celebrates 70th founding anniversary
(October 28, 2023)
‘Group to bring gov’t change into reality’ formed
(October 28, 2023)
Union wins withdrawal of layoffs of Yamato Transport part-timers
(October 27, 2023)
Koike in interpellation calls for minimum hourly wage of 1,500 yen and elimination of gender wage gap without delay
JCP and CDPJ agree to ‘work together and join forces’ in next general election
(October 26, 2023)
Shii in interpellation squares off against PM Kishida
(October 26, 2023)
Supreme Court rules surgery requirements for gender change as unconstitutional
(October 26, 2023)
Japan Gensuikyo hosts panel discussion in Tokyo on occasion of UN Disarmament Week
(October 25, 2023)
Gov’t seeks to infiltrate decision-making bodies in national universities