Testimony of ex-Abe faction accountant contradicts ex-faction executives’ statement
The House of Representatives Budget Committee held a closed-door hearing from the former treasurer of the now-defunct Abe faction as an unsworn witness over the slush-fund scandal, revealing discrepancies between his testimony and that of former Abe faction executives.
JCP sends requests to 3rd Meeting of State Parties to TPNW
The Japanese Communist Party sent its message for the success of the 3rd Meeting of TPNW State Parties to Kazakhstan Ambassador Akan Rakhmetullin who will serve as President and Nakamitsu Izumi, UN under-secretary-general/high representative for disarmament.
JCP Koike: Imposing unfair peace on Ukraine is unacceptable
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akria said, “It is unacceptable to make a deal between the major powers (U.S. and Russia) and impose an unfair peace plan on Ukraine.”
Testimony of ex-Abe faction accountant contradicts ex-faction executives’ statement
Hibakusha at Diet hearing on gov’t-proposed budget draft criticizes huge increase in arms spending
Budget for election awareness campaigns drops to \100 million in 2021 from \2.3 billion in 1996
Anomalies of closed-door hearing with ex-Abe faction treasurer
43 accidents and incidents involving US military personnel in Okinawa since last October
Over 930 Japanese firms under METI oppose EU PFAS restriction proposal
JCP sends requests to 3rd Meeting of State Parties to TPNW
Gensuikyo submits statement to 3rd meeting of TPNW states parties
Gensuikyo hosts Bikini Day national rally and international forum
Bikini Day rally special program calls for nuclear deterrence doctrine to be abandoned
JCP Koike: Imposing unfair peace on Ukraine is unacceptable
JCP on 3rd anniversary of Ukraine war: Ishiba should urge Trump to work for a just peace
JCP Kira and Kasai talk with Kazakhstan Ambassador to Japan for success of TPNW meeting of state partie
JCP Kira and Kasai ask Cuban Ambassador for cooperation to achieve success of TPNW’s 3rd meeting