90 years of daily Akahata, 'It teaches me about the world'
February 1 is the day that Akahata was first started publication 90 years ago. Sugihara Sachiko, 77, who lives in Ogaki City in Gifu, recalls, "I read it feverishly." She said she still remembers how excited she was on her first reading of Akahata.
JCP Koike in Diet interpellation raises 'health inequality' issue
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira in interpellation at the House of Councilors plenary session questioned Prime Minister Abe on behalf of the JCP regarding the issue of "health disparities".
Shii to Abe: Gov’t should slash financial support for US military instead of slashing welfare benefits
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo in a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives demanded the withdrawal of Abe’s plan to slash welfare benefit payments.
Shii to Abe: Gov’t should slash financial support for US military instead of slashing welfare benefits
JCP Koike in Diet interpellation raises 'health inequality' issue
‘No War Network’ official criticizes Abe’s move to undermine Article 9
Protest campaign against Henoko base construction wins S. Korean Justice & Peace award
Okinawans overwhelmed by continuing spate of accidents involving US military aircraft
Vice minister: 'How many were killed?' in US aircraft mishaps in Okinawa
JCP Koike criticizes State Minister Matsumoto’s jeer as outrageous
State minister resigns over his abusive remark about US military aircraft accidents in Okinawa
Okinawa and Guam women rally to oppose US military buildup
US marine in Okinawa arrested for hitting hotel worker
3,200 US marines and civilian employees will be concentrated in Henoko after completion of new base
Joint efforts of JCP and labor union overturn denial of workers’ compensation benefits
JCP lawmakers to gov't: Don't allow employers to circumvent labor law
Trucking companies and drivers to transport ministry: Fair price needed to ensure safe transportation
Anti-poverty groups take to streets to oppose Abe’s plan to slash livelihood protection benefits
National university association head: Abe’s new education policy will ‘interfere in university autonomy’
Japanese and South Korean teenagers concur on need to abolish nuclear weapons
90 years of daily Akahata, 'It teaches me about the world'