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2016 October 26 - November 1 TOP3 [PEACE]

Hibakusha protest against Japanese government’s objection to UN resolution on NWC talks

October 29, 2016
Hibakusha on October 28 protested against the objection by Japan, the only A-bomb nation, to the UN resolution to launch negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

In Nagasaki, representatives of five Hibakusha organizations jointly held a press conference.

They said that they were appalled to hear that Japan opposed the resolution, adding that it is unforgivable for the Japanese government to oppose the global move toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.

General Director of the Hiroshima Association of A-bomb Sufferers Sakuma Kunihiko issued a comment stating that Japan’s “No” vote totally ignores Hibakusha’s demand for the elimination of nuclear weapons and is unacceptable.

In the comment, Sakuma expressed his determination to work even harder to help strengthen public movements in order to have the Japanese government accept the global demand to ban nuclear weapons.

The Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo), the Japan Confederation of A- and H-bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo), and the New Japan Women’s Association (Shinfujin) also issued statements in protest.

Gensuikyo Secretary General Yasui Masakazu in the statement criticized the Japanese government for turning its back on the demand of Hibakusha and people throughout the world for a world without nuclear weapons. In order to change the government stance, Gensuikyo will continue doing its best to increase grass-roots movements opposing nuclear weapons through various activities, including the Hibakusha-led international signature campaign and the promotion of understanding about what happened in the aftermath of the nuclear bomb attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

The Hidankyo statement urges the government to not support the U.S. position and instead make utmost efforts to work with the majority of nations to achieve a nuclear weapons-free world.

Past related article:
> Japanese gov’t reluctance to work toward nuclear free world is shameful [October 25, 2016]
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