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HOME  > 2016 December 21 - 2017 January 3
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2016 December 21 - 2017 January 3 [US FORCES]

‘Crashed Osprey pilot should be decorated’ remark by US brass provokes Okinawan anger

December 25, 2016
Okinawa Area Coordinator for U.S. Forces, Lawrence D. Nicholson, in regard to the December 13 crash of an MV-22 Osprey, made an insulting statement provoking anger by local residents. He said that the Okinawa Governor should award a medal to the pilot.

An Okinawa government official on December 19 revealed this in answering questions from Japanese Communist Party member of the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Toguchi Osamu at a meeting of the assembly’s special committee on U.S. bases.

According to the prefectural authorities, on December 14, to Okinawa Vice Governor Ageda Mitsuo who was visiting Nicholson to protest against the accident, the top-ranking U.S. military officer said, “(Okinawans) have no thought for the pilot and have no regard for his brave act. Governor Onaga should give him a medal.” Then, the lieutenant general pounded on a desk, expressing strong displeasure at the Okinawa government’s protest. After his visit to Nicholson, Vice Governor Ageda said to the press corps with visible irritation, “Is Okinawa a U.S. colony?”

At the assembly’s committee meeting, the Governor’s Office chief poured out his feelings to the JCP assemblyperson “Should we ‘be thankful’ because there were no injuries and damage to civilian property because the pilot made a ‘crash landing’? Should we decorate the pilot for that? I feel bitter resentment.”

Past related article:
> ‘Be thankful’ remark by top US military officer fuels Okinawans’ anger [December 15&16, 2016]

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