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2017 January 11 - 17 [JCP]

Shii in draft resolution report calls for utilizing wisdom and power for success in opposition parties’ cooperation

January 16, 2017
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on January 15 gave the Central Committee report of the draft resolution to the 27th JCP Congress convened on this day in Shizuoka’s Atami City.

Shii’s report focused on issues that need to be clarified as a result of the inner-party discussions and on some issues added in the light of the latest political developments. In his report, Shii spoke on how to grasp the world situation today, the party’s policy to put an end to the Abe government’s runaway policies, and particularly on some important points to strengthen the opposition parties’ cooperation and the opposition-citizens alliance.

Shii cited some concerns expressed in the inner-party discussions about whether the opposition parties’ cooperation would go well or not.

Shii pointed out that what is important is to use “all our wisdom and power” to make a success of that partnership. Shii said that the driving force to achieve this is the JCP’s political advance and the development in grass-roots movements which emerged to resist the Abe administration’s anti-people policies.

Shii stressed that if opposition parties and concerned citizens hope in earnest to push their joint struggles forward, it is imperative for them to discuss the issue of a coalition government of opposition forces. Shii stated that there exists a situation where the possibility of creating an opposition-led coalition government by putting a full stop to the Liberal Democratic Party politics has been developed as a pressing demand. Shii said that this is unprecedented in post-war history and expressed his determination to make every possible effort to meet this demand.

Regarding ways to further promote the existing united front composed of the alliance between opposition parties and concerned citizens, Shii stressed, “As long as the opposition/citizens collaboration continues to respect and value each other’s differences and join hands for a national cause, the diversity in the collaboration will be a strong asset.” Stating that it is normal for political parties and citizens to have their own opinions and perspectives regarding the future, Shii said that that doesn’t prevent the further development of joint struggles between opposition parties and concerned citizens.

Past related articles:
> Civil Alliance holds this year’s first street action together with opposition parties [January 8 & 9, 2017]
> Opposition parties and Civil Alliance agree to formulate policies in common for next general election [November 18, 2016]
> Shii speaks on opposition alliance/citizens collaboration at JCP 94th anniversary meeting [August 6, 2016]
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