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2017 January 18 - 24 [POLITICS]

Shii calls on JCP parliamentarians to conduct Diet discussions making full use of 27th Congress resolution

January 21, 2017
The 193rd ordinary session of the Diet was convened on January 20 and will last for 150 days. The Japanese Communist Party held a general meeting of its Dietmembers Group in the Diet building, resolving to conduct Diet activities so that they can contribute to the further development of joint struggles between four opposition parties and concerned citizens. JCP Dietmembers also expressed their determination to be actively engaged in Diet deliberations based on the JCP’s views and proposals.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo stressed that the resolution of the party’s 27th Congress clarifies the JCP’s view on the current emerging trends in the world. Shii said that the resolution also explains the party’s proposals regarding various issues and how to confront the Abe government’s runaway policies. Shii said to JCP lawmakers, “Let’s engage in Diet discussions that will show the significance of the Congress resolution.”

Shii called on JCP parliamentarians to participate in Diet activities in order to help further advance joint efforts between the opposition bloc and concerned citizens.

Shii noted that in addition to the abolition of the national security laws and the restoration of constitutionalism, the four opposition parties agreed upon three other goals in regard to struggles against the Abe administration. Shii expressed his determination to face up to the Abe government by joining hands with fellow opposition parties based on the four-point agreement.

Shii pointed to the issue of the government move to create a law to regulate conspiracy. Shii emphasized the need to build a consensus among opposition parties on this issue, and said, “Let’s work hard together with other opposition parties and citizens to defeat any attempt to establish such an unconstitutional legislation.”

Shii stressed that it is important for each JCP lawmaker to take advantage of the JCP’s views and proposals in Diet deliberations.

Turning to foreign affairs, Shii said that it is highly likely that the U.S. administration led by President Donald Trump will press the Abe government to shoulder further base burdens, including stationing costs. Shii proposed using Diet discussions to push the government to withdraw from its extremely subservient relation with the U.S. Regarding domestic issues, Shii pointed to the need to conduct Diet discussions focusing on a reform for a democratic economic system which the JCP Congress resolution cited as an essential measure needed to eliminate social inequalities and poverty and reinvigorate the middle class.

Past related articles:
> Shii in draft resolution report calls for utilizing wisdom and power for success in opposition parties’ cooperation [January 16, 2017]
> JCP Secretariat Head Koike reminds DP of agreement made among 4 opposition parties [September 6, 2016]
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