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HOME  > 2017 January 25 - 31
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2017 January 25 - 31 [LABOR]

Zenroren resolves to fight for substantial wage hikes for all workers

January 26 & 27, 2017
The National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) held its national conference in Tokyo on January 25 and 26, unanimously adopting an action policy demanding a monthly wage increase of 20,000 yen and an hourly wage increase of 150 yen in this year’s spring wage bargaining round (Shunto).

Zenroren President Odagawa Yoshikazu noted in his opening speech that the 2017 Report of the Committee on Management and Labor Policy, which was issued by the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) in January, gives no consideration to the use of large corporations’ internal reserves in order to increase wages and reduce the wage gap between major companies and small- and medium-sized ones. He called for organizing campaigns to raise the level of wages throughout the country.

Zenroren Vice President Nomura Yukihiro proposed an action policy for the coming wage round. He called on union members to work to obtain a significant increase in all workers’ wages by promoting a social movement that involves the unorganized labor force. Condemning the Abe government economic policy which is oriented to benefitting large corporations, he underscored the urgent need to establish a nationwide uniform minimum wage system in order to eliminate poverty and social disparities.

During the discussion, a delegate of the National Federation of Finance Workers’ Unions said that for the first time in the annual wage negotiations they will demand the easing of a debt burden on people who received student loans. A delegate of the Postal Industry Workers’ Union said that they will push for the revocation of the clause in the Labor Standards Law that allows excessively long working hours. A member of the Kyoto General Council of Trade Unions (Kyoto-sohyo) reported that they have talked with local chambers of commerce and industry and have gained business owners’ support for the union demand seeking an increase in the minimum wage.

The national conference unanimously approved the proposed policy. The policy also appeals to union members to make further efforts to strengthen public cooperation to block the Abe administration’s move to change the peace Constitution and turn Japan into a war-fighting nation.

Past related article:
> 2017 spring struggle for 20,000 yen monthly wage hike begins [January 19 & 20, 2017]
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