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HOME  > 2017 March 22 - 28
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2017 March 22 - 28 [PEACE]

Shii meets with UN ambassadors in NYC

March 28, 2017
Just before the beginning of the UN conference to negotiate an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on March 23 and 24 met with UN ambassadors from several countries in New York City.

On March 23, Shii held meetings with the Cuban and Vietnamese ambassadors to the UN independently and agreed to cooperate closely with them to bring the UN talks to success.

At the meetings, Shii pointed out that if an overwhelming majority of UN member states sign onto the Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC), it will be possible to outlaw nuclear arms and exert pressure on nuclear weapons states morally and politically. He argued that the combined strength of a NWC and international public opinion, especially that of grassroots movements in nuclear weapons states and the nations presently under the nuclear umbrella, will open the way for the total abolition of nuclear weapons.

Cuban UN Ambassador Anayansi Rodriguez Camejo expressed total agreement with the JCP chair. She underscored the significance of the commitment of civil society to demand the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Vietnamese UN Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga said that she shares the same view as Shii. The ambassador noted that with the difficulties to be faced ahead, she will work together with the JCP to achieve the noble goal.

On the following day, Shii held separate talks with the Costa Rican and Venezuelan ambassadors to the UN to exchange views to achieve the success of the UN conference. Costa Rica is set to serve as chair for the upcoming conference, and Venezuela holds the presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

In the talks, Shii stressed that it is important for a large majority of UN members to sign onto the NWC even if nuclear weapons states refuse to join in the international agreement in the early stages.

Costa Rican Ambassador Juan Carlos Mendoza Garcia supported Shii’s statement. The ambassador added that the conclusion of a nuclear ban treaty will provide the global community with a moral, political, and legal basis to push nuclear weapons states to take part in negotiations over the elimination of nuclear arms.

Venezuelan Ambassador Rafael Ramirez expressed deep respect for the ongoing Hibakusha Appeal signature campaign in Japan, stating that he will work hard to have a NWC concluded as early as possible.

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