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HOME  > 2017 April 19 - 25
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2017 April 19 - 25 TOP3 [LABOR]

JCP announces May Day slogans

April 25, 2017
The Japanese Communist Party announced the party’s slogans for the 88th May Day in the April 25 issue of Akahata.

For better working conditions

- Build a society where everyone can have a decent quality of life with an eight-hour work day!
- Put an end to excessively long working hours!
- Realize ‘equal pay for equal job’ rules and equal treatment for all workers!
- Let us win a minimum wage of 1,500 yen per hour everywhere!
- Utilize large corporations’ internal reserves for a drastic wage hike, job creation, and healthy development of the Japanese economy and society!

On politics

- Abolish the war laws (the national security legislation) and restore constitutionalism!
- Foil ‘anti-conspiracy’ bill that violates constitutional right to freedom of thought and conscience!
- Government must retract Cabinet approval for the Imperial Rescript on Education!
- Change the government turning Japan into a war-fighting nation to one making best use of the Constitution!
- Government must make all-out efforts to bring the Fukushima nuclear disaster under control!
- No to the reactivation of offline NPPs and create a ‘zero-nuclear power Japan’!

On economic policies

- Government must cancel the planned consumption tax increase to 10%!
- Cut military spending and use tax revenues for social welfare and support for the younger generation and for childrearing!
- Increase public support for smaller businesses, agriculture, fishery, and forestry to revitalize local economies!
- Establish just, fair trade and investment rules that protect Japan’s economic and food sovereignty and people’s livelihoods!
- Eliminate social inequalities and poverty!

On Japan-US military alliance and diplomacy

- Abrogate the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and create a Japan free of U.S. bases!
- Conclude a friendship treaty with the U.S. on an equal footing!
- Denuclearize North Korea by peaceful diplomacy based on Article 9 of the Constitution, not by military responses subservient to the U.S.!
- Build a regional community for peace in Northeast Asia!

On nuclear weapons

- Realize an international treaty banning nuclear weapons!
- Promote the international signature campaign in support of the Appeal of the Hibakusha for the elimination of nuclear weapons!
- Get out from under the U.S. nuclear umbrella and create a nonnuclear Japan!

Let us further strengthen collaboration between opposition parties and concerned citizens and establish a coalition government of opposition parties!
Let us achieve a victory in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election and a major advance of the JCP in the coming general election!
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