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2017 April 26 - May 9 [POLITICS]

Shii calls for nationwide support for Okinawans’ anti-US base struggles

April 30, 2017
The National Association for a Peaceful, Democratic, and Progressive Japan (Kakushinkon) held an assembly on April 29 in Tokyo to demonstrate solidarity with Okinawans with 1,500 people taking part. Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo delivered a speech calling for increased support for Okinawans’ struggles against the construction of the state-of-the-art U.S. military base.

Shii condemned the Abe government for forcibly starting the embankment work for the base construction in the Henoko district in Okinawa’s Nago City. Pointing to the fact that the central government is moving ahead with the work without obtaining the prefectural government’s approval for destroying reefs at the site, he demanded an immediate stop to the illegal work.

Shii noted that the Abe administration aims to demoralize local people by making the construction an accomplished fact. “It is impossible to construct a new base as long as Okinawans never give up. Even if the base is built, it won’t be maintained,” he stressed.

The JCP chair pointed out that the opposition party-alliance originates from anti-base joint candidates’ victories in the elections held in Okinawa in 2014; the Nago mayoral, Okinawa gubernatorial, and general elections. He said, “If the opposition alliance succeeds in overthrowing the Abe government in the coming general election and goes on to form a new coalition government, it will open the way for resolution of the Okinawa issue. Let’s fight together like Okinawans!”

In the assembly, representatives of trade unions and Okinawan civic groups gave speeches. Okinawa Governor Onaga Takeshi and Nago City Mayor Inamine Susumu sent messages in solidarity.

Kakushinkon is comprised of a wide range of groups and individuals advocating reform in politics. JCP Chair Shii is a representative director of that organization.
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