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HOME  > 2017 July 12 - 18
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2017 July 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

Nationwide action to demand abolition of ‘anti-conspiracy’ law takes place

July 12, 2017
On July 11, the day when the controversial anti-conspiracy law was implemented, concerned citizens took to the streets at many locations across Japan to demand the abolition of the law.

In Tokyo, 800 people, including union activists and human rights advocates, rallied in front of the Lower House members’ office building. This event was called for by civil groups opposing the anti-conspiracy law such as the All-Out Action Committee consisting of trade unions and various civil groups.

Japanese Communist Party members of the House of Councilors Koike Akira, Tamura Tomoko, and Yamazoe Taku as well as JCP member of the House of Representatives Takahashi Chizuko together with lawmakers of the Democratic, Social Democratic, and Liberal parties took part in the rally. Representatives of the four opposition parties delivered speeches in solidarity.

JCP Secretariat Head Koike said that the anti-conspiracy law which violates the Constitution guaranteeing people’s right to freedom of thought and belief should be rescinded.

Koike said, “Although the law criminalizes conspiracy, it lacks a precise definition of what acts are criminal. The law enforcement authority’s use of power under such a vague criminal law will endanger civil liberties.” He called on the audience to increase efforts to attract public support for the abolition of the law through a signature-collection campaign and other actions.

Noting that the anti-conspiracy law is criticized as the modern version of the wartime Public Order Maintenance Act which worked to oppress citizens objecting to Japan’s war of aggression, Koike said, “We are living under the post-war Constitution which guarantees people’s fundamental rights. It is important for us to continue raising our voices against Abe’s maladministration by making use of our constitutional rights.”

Koike stressed that the opposition parties should unite to annul the anti-conspiracy law and that the opposition alliance should draw up common policies for the coming general election which include the repeal of that law. Koike concluded his speech, saying, “Your fight has cornered the Abe government. Let us work together to put an end to the Abe regime without delay as well as to the unconstitutional war laws and anti-conspiracy law.”

Similar protests against the implementation of the law took place in other prefectures, including Hokkaido and Niigata.

Past related articles:
> JFBA holds study meeting to abolish ‘anti-conspiracy’ law [June 30, 2017]
> JCP Koike: PM Abe has no legal right to talk about constitutional revision [June 27, 2017]
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