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2017 July 26 - August 1 [POLITICS]

Shii on Renho’s resignation: JCP will observe DP changes in leadership

July 28, 2017
Democratic Party leader Renho on July 27 held a news conference to announce that she will step down as party head.

Asked for a comment on her resignation, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said to the press, “It was her decision. I’d rather not comment on that.” He only said, “The DP will elect a new leadership. The JCP will observe how it goes.”

Regarding collaboration between opposition parties, Shii said, “Maintaining our stance to promote the joint effort together with concerned citizens, we will continue devoting our energy to further develop the concerted struggle.

Renho during her news conference also said that the joint effort by the united opposition parties is “the agreement” made upon among the four parties. She stressed that she had worked hard while in office to advance this commitment step by step.

Renho explained to reporters that she had decided to leave the post as DP chief after taking into account the party’s defeat in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly election, DP Dietmembers’ opinions, and the replacement of the party’s secretary general, Noda Yoshihiko.
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