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HOME  > 2010 November 10 - 16
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2010 November 10 - 16 [JCP]

JCP to endeavor to establish true friendship with South Korea: Ichida at Japan-ROK Parliamentarians’ League

November 11, 2010
The Japan-ROK Parliamentarians’ League on November 10 held its first general meeting after the Japanese Communist Party Dietmembers joined the league. JCP Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi made a speech.

Ichida said that all the JCP members of the Diet have joined the league, and expressed his determination to make efforts together with colleague members to build true friendship between Japan and South Korea.

The general meeting appointed new officials, including Chair Watanabe Kozo. JCP Chair Shii Kazuo was named vice-chair.
- Akahata, November 11, 2010
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